Jul 29, 2023Liked by Ava K. Lamb

Some interesting thoughts and muses in this newsletter, gave me some encouragement of my own particular insights ✍🏼

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Ava K. Lamb

Thought provoking and giggle inducing! Thanks Ava!!!

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Inspired, as always. I achieved happiness just a couple of years ago, but it took a major change in perspective to allow me to grasp the opportunity. Once I was awakened to realize that the world has descended into complete madness, all bets were off. Why am I worried about bills, taxes, leaky faucets, no McRib sandwiches, etc.? Once I threw off the yoke of worry, I found happiness.

On another note, I had no idea that you struggled with an eating disorder. I'm so happy to see that you've overcome it; however, I wish we, your fans, could have been there for you to encourage you on your journey to wellness. God bless, Ava.

Love, kisses, and mushrooms.


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Yes, I understand what you are saying About worry. Is much better to just deal with what comes, so much to worry about and that will not end.

I certainly was not comfortable about sharing my illness, but you can imagine the immense number of comments implying that I was on drugs were frustrating for me. I was not on drugs! In fact, in keeping with the theme of this newsletter, I made a very definite decision not to be a drug user.

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I'm glad I found you on your somewhat new adventure in these here inter-nets...loool

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I did not choose to be in this Nursing Home reading a awesome post from you. Nursing home aside, I would have choose to read it anyway, wherever I might have been. Short weird thought but it seems relative in some way to what you posted. You end up at places/things you choose or do not choose. It is the path that brought me here is this most interesting. (I was in a bad car accident in the middle of July)

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Dave, sorry about your shit luck with the car accident. Could happen to anyone . glad you found some value here 🌺healing vibes

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Always brilliant and inspiring are U

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Wow! People can be so cruel. I guess this all transpired when you were making frequent videos? These were your viewers making unfounded accusations? It's just another problem with our society; people would rather tear down than build up. But you're strong, you have always been. I'm inspired once again by your resilience. And here you are again; taking the time to reach out and bring some measure of joy to us in our otherwise mundane lives. My heart jumps a little whenever I see your newsletter in my inbox, knowing that you care enough to reach out and touch our lives. I can't calculate the exact percentage but it adds XX% to my already elevated sense of happiness. YOU do that, Ava. YOU increase my happiness and, I'm sure, many others. Thank you for being who you are. 👍🙂💙


P.S. Give Tesla a little tickle under the chin for me next time you see her.

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I love this! Thank you. that’s all i ever wanted for the newsletter and your input that it goes gladden means so much! The newsletter helps me too and I so enjoy writing it whenever i feel the 💥

About tesla,

Will do! 🤏

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